@misc{Michalska_Zuzanna_Refleksyjność, author={Michalska, Zuzanna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The study aimed to investigate the socio-demographic profile and the reflectiveness type of involved teachers involved in the Young Explorer Club program (KMO) of the Copernicus Science Centre (CNK). A diagnostic survey was conducted using an online questionnaire (CAWI) administered via Google Forms. An integral part of the survey was an internal communication questionnaire developed by Margaret Archer: ICONI.}, abstract={88 teachers running a KMO in Poland took part in the survey. The results of the survey showed that Clubs are led by typical teachers in terms of gender, age and education. Most of them are women aged 41-50 holding a higher education degree. The answer to the key research question: What involved as exemplified by the educators involved in the Young Explorers Clubs (KMO), was: autonomous.}, title={Refleksyjność aktywnych nauczycieli w Polsce na przykładzie edukatorów w programie Klub Młodego Odkrywcy koordynowanym przez Centrum Nauki Kopernik = Reflexivity of involved teachers in Poland as exemplified by the educators of the young explorers club program coordinated by the Copernicus Science Centre}, type={artykuł}, keywords={nauczyciele, edukacja, zmiana, refleksyjność, Archer, Margaret (1943- ), teachers, education, change, reflectiveness}, }