@misc{Stępnik_Andrzej_Etyka, author={Stępnik, Andrzej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the article is to develop e-sports ethics as an element of a multi-level normative system, in which more specific norms would be derived from more general norms and theories developed in the field of general ethics. The author identifies unethical behaviors in e-sports, which should be regulated by moral norms. Such norms should be specified and included in the provisions of rules and regulations of e-sports competitions.The fair play principle is adopted as the basis for such regulation, fair play rules are specified in relation to e-sports, and possible justifications are provided. The author emphasizes the need to develop a variety of justifications, which will appeal to people at different levels of moral development, distinguished in Kohlberg?s theory.}, title={Etyka e-sportu jako element wielopoziomowego systemu normatywnego = E-sports ethics as an element of a multi-level normativesystem}, type={artykuł}, keywords={e-sport, etyka sportu, zasada fair play, teoria Kohlberga, e-sports, e-sports ethics, fair play principle, Kohlberg`s theory}, }