@misc{Jasny_Michał_Sport-related, author={Jasny, Michał and Sodomirski, Tomasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={eng}, abstract={Video game tournaments are an increasingly popular part of postmodern sport. While electronic sport, or e-sports, has a common functionality with traditional sport, it has not yet been recognised as a sports discipline due to the debatable nature of competitive gaming as an activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes of experienced competitive players of Magic: The Gathering and their training regimes for esports tournaments in order to determine whether such training is comparable to that in traditional sport.}, abstract={Twelve individual in-depth interviews were conducted. The results indicate that physical exercise, diet, sleep and pharmaceuticals do not play a significant role in the players? everyday training, which players typically consider to be a form of sports training. However, appropriate diet and increased sleep directly before a tournament are important. Some respondents clearly stated that taking care of their health improves their chances of success.}, title={Sport-related aspects of preparation for participation in e-sports tournaments based on the game Magic: the Gathering = Sportowy wymiar przygotowań do współzawodnictwa w e-sporcie: na przykładzie gry Magic: the Gathering}, type={artykuł}, keywords={sport, e-sports, training, Magic: The Gathering, e-sport, trening}, }