@misc{Kinal_Artur_Między, author={Kinal, Artur}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The paper addresses the issue of the duality of associations evoked by e-sports. On the one hand, its prefix evokes computer and Internet connotations; on the other hand, the root of the word refers to an activity traditionally associated with movement and physical exercise. The gap between these two opposites contributes to the controversy surrounding e-sports. The aim of the article is to find out how leading Polish e-sports players cope with the issue of the above duality. The author seeks to answer this question by analysing the self-creation of the image of e-sports players in social media. Selected profiles were studied by means of an analysis of visual and textual content.}, abstract={Three self-portraits emerge from the analysis, differing in the intensity and type of references to the aforementioned content encoded in the name of the discipline. Some tend to emphasise sports-related connotations, while others retain elements typical of computer game enthusiasts. This is accompanied by a variety of means: references to private life, involvement in the industry?s affairs, more or less professional coverage of the games played.}, title={Między nerdem a zawodnikiem - autokreacja wizerunku e-sportowców w mediach społecznościowych na przykładzie Facebooka = Between a nerd and a player - self-creation of thee-sports players` social media image based on the example of Facebook}, type={artykuł}, keywords={e-sport, socjologia wizualna, kreacja wizerunku, media społecznościowe, e-sports, visual sociology, image creation, social media}, }