@misc{Kutyrova_Vira_Is, author={Kutyrova, Vira}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych}, language={eng}, abstract={The article analyses the dynamics of the value of happiness during war. The article is based on the material of students` biographical essays, as well as on the results of the World Values Study. The author considers happiness as a value construct which manifests itself in a high degree of personal satisfaction with one`s activities, conditions and lifestyle, in positive emotions of joy. Citing the results of the World Values Study, the author argues that the positive dynamics of happiness in the Ukrainian society over the past decades is an important indicator of the update of the value of self-expression among Ukrainians. It is difficult to say whether this trend will continue now, as war updates survival values.}, abstract={The materials for the students` "autobiographies of happiness" provide a reason for optimistic predictions. The experience of the war has become a real test of survival for Ukrainians, but at the same time it has made them reflect on the meaning of their own existence, taught them to give and to be grateful. These biographical essays are research material that can deepen our understanding of the value of happiness. They are a tool for self-reflection and a means of preserving the meaning of life in conditions where this meaning can be lost.}, title={Is happiness possible during the war: an analysis of value shifts on student essay materials = Czy szczęście jest możliwe podczas wojny: analiza zmian wartości na materiałach esejowych dla studentów}, type={artykuł}, keywords={happiness, biographical essays, values of survival and self-realization, war, trauma, szczęście, esej biograficzny, wartości przetrwania i samorealizacji, wojna}, }