@misc{Bryś_Katarzyna_Polityka, author={Bryś, Katarzyna and Machnicka, Beata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych}, language={pol}, abstract={This publication aims to show the impact of knowledge and understanding of biotechnological processes on all aspects of everyday life. Challenges of modern discoveries in biotechnology have forced the educational system in England to implement evaluation changes. The goal of education is the acquisition of scientific and technological knowledge required for the informed fulfilment of social responsibilities by the younger generation.}, abstract={The priority is for the youth to explain their values, answer difficult questions and make decisions in controversial biotechnological topics. A key element is the development of teaching staff. A developmental and competitive working environment for doctors and professors, with a particular emphasis on supporting women, must be created in higher education.}, abstract={To develop biotechnological education, an advisory group for educational policy was established. The manipulation of biotechnological information in media and politics proves just how important certain basic knowledge is. Irrational social concerns and stereotypes about biotechnology should be altered through professional education, financing education and responsible politics. Citizens? assemblies as an element of dialogue between the public and scientists have proven successful in understanding of biotechnology.}, title={Polityka oświatowa w Anglii w zakresie edukacji biotechnologii na tle przemian społeczno-kulturowych = Education policy in England concerning biotechnology education in the context of socio-cultural changes}, type={artykuł}, keywords={edukacja biotechnologiczna, panel obywatelski, Anglia, England, biotechnology education, citizens` assembly}, }