@misc{Bilyakovska_Olha_Ensuring, author={Bilyakovska, Olha and Shcherbiak, Iurii and Binytska, Kateryna and Nahorna, Olha}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych}, language={eng}, abstract={The article examines the professional training of future teachers in the context of ensuring its quality. The process is responsible and complex, and its effectiveness is determined by many factors, including the use of a system approach to organization. During our scientific exploration, we have identified the system approach as a research object and have specifically considered the educational system.}, abstract={This system is characterized by the interrelationship of its components. Summarizing the views of researchers on the system approach, it is clear that it should not be solely associated with the process of cognition. The system approach has much wider possibilities as it can be considered as the methodological basis of not only cognitive but also transformative activity. From a system approach perspective, we view the training of future teachers as a system with its own content, a hierarchy of structural elements, cause-and-effect relationships, subject-subject interaction, and features of the educational process.}, abstract={It is argued that the problem of ensuring the quality of professional training of future teachers should be studied using a system approach, since it requires a system analysis of the external and internal systems of ensuring the quality of professional training of future teachers, identifying a set of elements, establishing and ordering connections between them, and highlighting system-forming connections that integrate various elements into a system.}, title={Ensuring the quality of professional training of future teachers in the context of system approach = Zapewnienie jakości kształcenia zawodowego przyszłych nauczycieli w kontekście podejścia systemowego}, type={artykuł}, keywords={system approach, professional training, future teachers, podejście systemowe, kształcenie zawodowe, przyszli nauczyciele}, }