@misc{Kos_Ewa_Arleta_Empatyczne, author={Kos, Ewa Arleta and Matusiak-Rojek, Magdalena}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych}, language={pol}, abstract={This article attempts to reflect on the possibility of supporting students with selective mutism in the school environment. The main aim of the paper is to further our understanding of the nature of selective mutism in the context of the need to build a relationship with the student based on empathy and trust.}, abstract={The reflection presented in the article draws on the ethical and pedagogical proposal of one of the representatives of anti-pedagogy, Humbertus von Schoenebeck. It serves as a source of inspiration for the reflections presented in this paper relating to the pedagogical relationship between the teacher and the student. The authors point to the need for a reflective understanding of the phenomenon of support in the process of upbringing and education of children with selective mutism.}, abstract={The first section of the article describes the selective mutism disorder, lists the diagnostic specifics, and discusses the aetiology. This is followed by a discussion of amicative issues, presenting the basis for the formation of the idea of Amication. The article ends with a discussion of the specifics of pedagogical practice in relation with children with selective mutism in the light of the idea of Amication.}, title={Empatyczne wspieranie i towarzyszenie dziecku z mutyzmem wybiórczym w środowisku edukacyjnym w świetle koncepcji Amication = Providing empathic support and accompanying the child with selective mutism in the educational environment in the light of the concept of Amication}, type={artykuł}, keywords={selective mutism, supporting children with mutism, amicative issues, Amication pedagogy, mutyzm wybiórczy, wspieranie dzieci z mutyzmem, problematyka amikatywna, pedagogika Amication}, }