@misc{Mucea_Bogdan-Nicolae_Challenges, author={Mucea, Bogdan-Nicolae}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych}, language={eng}, abstract={The article aims to present the opinions of the inhabitants of the Romanian local community Roşia Montană, who are coping with challenges arising from the closure of mining investments. The analysis focuses on prevalent challenges affecting populations of former mining communities, namely high unemployment rate and poverty.}, abstract={The case of Roşia Montană, a former mining community, is noteworthy as a foreign investor (Roşia Montană Gold Corporation - RMGC) planned a new mining project. Nevertheless, the proposed investment would only create jobs for 20 years only and lacked solid plans for employment stability after the exploitation period.}, abstract={Environmental problems and civil society protests put an end to the project, resulting in an additional number of redundancies of people working on the launch of the new project. The study`s methodology involves two surveys which present the perspectives of the Roşia Montană community members on the current post-RMGC state of affairs (2020).}, abstract={Additionally, views obtained from ex-RMGC staff in 2015, a year after their dismissal, were considered. Presented considerations conclude that sustainable development plans should be adapted to the needs of the local population. The study on the case of Roşia Montană shows that investors implemented strategies to improve the locals` situation.}, title={Challenges facing the former mono-industrial communities: unemployment, lack of investments - a study on Roşia Montană = Wyzwania stojące przed byłymi społecznościami monoprzemysłowymi: bezrobocie, brak inwestycji - badanie na temat Roşia Montană}, type={artykuł}, keywords={unemployment, poverty, mono-industrial area, Roşia Montană, community investment, bezrobocie, ubóstwo, obszar monoprzemysłowy, inwestycja społeczna}, }