@misc{Dymarczyk_Waldemar_O, author={Dymarczyk, Waldemar}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={This article is a result of the autor`s afterthought on the problems of possible methodological solutions connected with the examination of spatial dimension of careers of businessmen; managers and entrepreneurs. These afterthoughts were being born during a long, based on interpretative paradigm project of exploration nature. The presented theses in some parts have their source in the assumptions of the primary research, however the majority of ideas and recommendations referring to data gathering methods as well as methods of analysis were worked out during the fieldwork.}, abstract={In the context of the research of the spatial dimensions of careers, the author presents advantages and limitations of research techniques such as: narrative interview, deepen interview, interview based on photography, projecting techniques. The author recommends the application of these few techniques simultaneously, as complementary to one another.}, title={O polifoniczności badania wymiarów kariery. Naturalna historia badania = About poliphonic of research on carrier dimensions. A natural history of the research}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Kariera, menedżerowie, przedsiębiorcy, badania}, }