@misc{Gajdzica_Zenon_Student, author={Gajdzica, Zenon}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The starting point of the article is a thesis that intensively created institutional backing for students with disabilities leads to the disclosure of different barriers placed in the awareness of lecturers and fully fit students. Its essence is the feeling of social debt towards people with disabilities effectively impeding the shaping of authentic environment favouring self-creation of these people and taking responsibility for one`s own biography having left university.}, abstract={The aim of the article is to show the students environment in the aspect of the disabled expectations and viewing the environment in the perspective of the integration and the disproportion levels. They become the tools for description and interpretation of the declared, in the focused discussion, diagnosis of one`s situation and expectations towards the academic environment.}, abstract={Undoubtedly, two last decades have changed a lot in the area in focus. One may not overvalue the introduced system solutions directed to the levelling of opportunities for people with disabilities in the context of creating convenient conditions for studying. However, one may not forget that the paradigm of equal opportunities in the system approach is merely a starting point in activating students with disabilities and joining them authentically to the academic community.}, title={Student z niepełnosprawnością w przestrzeni szkoły wyższej - pomiędzy pedagogiką długu a pedagogiką wspólnotowości = A student with disability at a higher education institution - between the pedagogy of debt and the pedagogy of community}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kształcenie uniwersyteckie, osoby z niepełnosprawnością, studenci z niepełnosprawnością, pedagogika długu, pedagogika wspólnotowości}, }