@misc{Niewiedział_Dorota_Wybrane, author={Niewiedział, Dorota}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents selected psychosocial factors modifying the process of adaptation to widowhood that occur in aging widows. In the present study, it was hypothesised that there is a style of "detachment" from a deceased life partner which is understood as the combination of a retrospective assessment of style of attachment to a partner and the sense of emotional andor social loneliness. The research performed on 124 widows (average duration of widowhood was 7.3 years) showed that there is a specific style of detachment from a partner in women with retrospective anxiety style of attachment in the past. A positive relation between a retrospective safe style of attachment and social loneliness requires further research.}, title={Wybrane psychospołeczne predyktory procesu adaptacji do wdowieństwa starzejących się kobiet. Styl "odwiązania" od partnera = Selected psychosocial predictors of the process of adaptation to widowhood by aging women. The style of "detachment" from a partner}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wdowieństwo, starzenie się kobiety, styl przywiązania do partnera, styl oderwania od partnera, widowhood, aging woman, attachment style from a partner, style of detachment from a partner}, }