@misc{Łukaszek_Maria_Ryzykowne, author={Łukaszek, Maria}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={Risk sexual behaviours are an important element of lifestyle of socially maladjusted persons. This fact is mainly due to the following factors: the specific hierarchy of values of this group of people; dogmatic integration of their attitudes; intoxication and drug addiction; psychopathic personality structure of some of them. Risk sexual behaviours shall be treated as social maladjustment symptoms and therefore should be subject to correctional rehabilitation.}, abstract={Presented results come from the pilot study conducted in 2013 in the Correctional Facility in Rzeszow. The main purpose of the research was the diagnosis of attitudes of men serving prison sentences towards sex life and sex female partners. The presented material is an attempt to answer the question about the degree of the riskiness of sexual behaviours of the investigated, the degree of respecting a sexual partnership norm by them and determinants of these phenomena.}, abstract={On the basis of the analyses it was concluded that in regard to more than 46% of the respondents we can talk about an outstanding or high degree of the riskiness of sexual behaviours, in relation to 35% - a significant one, whereas only 4.2% of the examined showed a low degree of riskiness. The research found that nearly 79% declare a very low degree of respecting a sexual partnership norm. Only for less than 10% we can talk about a satisfactory degree in this regard.}, title={Ryzykowne zachowania seksualne mężczyzn odbywających karę pozbawienia wolności = Risk sexual behaviours of men serving prison sentences}, type={artykuł}, keywords={convicts` sexuality, risky sexual behaviours, partnership sexual norm, sexual violence, manifestation of prison subculture, seksualność skazanych, ryzykowne zachowania seksualne, partnerska norma seksualna, przemoc seksualna, przejawy subkultury więziennej}, }