@misc{Wąż_Krzysztof_Ewaluacja, author={Wąż, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={In Poland the prevention programmes concerning the risks of sexual activity are rarely implemented and evaluated. However, such projects which are related to sexual sphere and which interfere in the processes of psychosexual development require evaluation for substantive and ethical reasons. This article attempts to show a complex evaluation procedure which was used in the course of implementing into the Polish educational practice an early parenthood prevention programme based on the use of an electronic nursing simulator.}, abstract={Moreover, the paper also presents the results of the procedure. The evaluation took place in the years 2004-2011 and consisted of three separate studies. Stage I comprised the implementation of the programme into educational practice and the measurement of its results based on the experimental strategy - summative evaluation. Stage II of the evaluation followed the dissemination of the programme and included the measurement of students`, parents` and teachers` opinion. Stage III is deferred evaluation. It was indirect - information was given by the teachers who implemented the programme at schools.}, title={Ewaluacja programu profilaktyki wczesnego rodzicielstwa = Evaluation of an early parenthood prevention programme}, type={artykuł}, keywords={parenthood, care, psychosexual development, prevention, rodzicielstwo, opieka, rozwój psychoseksualny, profilaktyka}, }