@misc{Komosińska_Krystyna_Realizacja, author={Komosińska, Krystyna and Kowalewska, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={The topics which are introduced nowadays within the subject "Education for Family Life" are determined by the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 17th February, 2012 (the Journal of Laws, 2012, No 300). In 2008 WHO Regional Office for Europe, Federal Office for Health Education and WHO Collaborating Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Cologne appointed a group of experts from Europe to develop "Standards of Sex Education in Europe".}, abstract={In the standards, developed in 2010, efforts were made to take into account all the aspects of human sexuality. The attention was drawn to the necessity of educating students within the area of attitudes and skills essential for proper psychosexual development and classified as protective factors against undertaking risk sexual behaviours. The aim of the paper was to present the evaluation of the implementation of the subject content ("Education for Family Life") in junior high schools as well as to compare the course content realized in Poland with the content included in the "Standards of Sex Education in Europe".}, title={Realizacja przedmiotu "Wychowanie do życia w rodzinie" w Polsce a standardy edukacji seksualnej w Europie w kontekście zachowań ryzykownych podejmowanych przez młodzież = Realization of the subject "Education for Family Life" in Poland and the standards of sex education in Europe in the context of risk behaviours undertaken by adolescents}, type={artykuł}, keywords={standards of sex education, Education for Family Life, risk behaviours, youth, standardy edukacji seksualnej, edukacja do życia w rodzinie, zachowania ryzykowne, młodzież}, }