@misc{Biczysko_Grażyna_Wychowanie, author={Biczysko, Grażyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={In the interwar years, camping was one of the numerous ways of scouting activities that promoted physical education. Scout camps developed mainly during summer time and were indispensable means of physical education. They provided an opportunity to practice variety of sports in natural conditions.}, abstract={In addition, scouts started each day with morning gymnastics according to Ling system, they learned how to swim and practised swimming every day. The organization of summer scout camps in the interwar years was supported by government institutions, which constituted overwhelming support - both financial and substantive in the area of physical education.}, title={Wychowanie fizyczne w Związku Harcerstwa Polskiego w latach międzywojennych realizowane poprzez obozy letnie = Physical education in Polish scouting association in the interwar years implemented during summer camps}, type={artykuł}, keywords={scouting, Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego, physical activity, interwar period, Poland, skauting, aktywność fizyczna, Polska, 1918-1939}, }