@misc{Jasik_Justyna_Karmienie, author={Jasik, Justyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={Breastfeeding is an optimal way of feeding which provides full health and proper evelopment of each newborn baby, regardless of race, culture and socioeconomic conditions in a particular country. Carl von Linne, the author of taxonomy, wrote a masterpiece on species classification. He perceived breastfeeding so peculiar for the particular group of animal organisms (including people) that he called them mammals (Latin: mamma, i.e. breast).}, abstract={The article emphasises the essence of breastfeeding as a natural need of a mother and a baby, which results from love and an emotional bond, more valuable than all learned skills of newborn care. Newborns are born with the search, sucking and swallowing reflex, however, such skills as grasping the breast, its shape, behaving during breastfeeding and sucking mechanism itself are learned step by step (Koprowska, 2011).}, abstract={Success in breastfeeding, even in the case of difficulties, is possible, although it requires the cooperation and help of a newborn, mother, relatives and a good midwife. The issues included in the paper comprise the areas connected with the history of breastfeeding after the baby birth.}, abstract={The author touches upon well known values of natural feeding and lactation difficulties faced by women. The study was performed using a survey technique (Zielona Gora students) and inquiry (community midwives and young mothers). The last chapter of the article deals with the ways of managing the most common lactation difficulties. The work finishes with findings and conclusions.}, title={Karmienie naturalne - cenny dar i kamień milowy opieki nad noworodkiem = Natural feeding - precious gift and mile stone in care of the newborn}, type={artykuł}, keywords={lactation, maternal milk, lactation difficulties, education, laktacja, mleko matki, edukacja}, }