@misc{Borowicz_Ryszard_(1945-2014)_Obecność, author={Borowicz, Ryszard (1945-2014)}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, language={pol}, abstract={From the perspective of a participant of many Congresses and a sociologist of education the author assesses the state of contemporary sociology of education as the renaissance of this sociological subfield. He explains it mainly as a result of the great breakthrough and first years of political transformation. Earlier, according to the author, young generation and education were derivative and minor issues which were unworthy of much attention.}, abstract={There were the years when only 2-3 academic centres were scientifically active and there were only a few independent researchers. Nowadays - apart from many people/laboratories/departments providing only teaching services in this area - there are almost ten scientific teams (recognized in Poland) conducting the research and over 20 independent researchers who systematically publish their works on the subjects. What is more, there is a large group of assistant professors and PhD students who undertake previously identified problems in a different way or seek new, sometimes niche topics.}, title={Obecność socjologii/socjologow edukacji i młodzieży na XV Ogólnopolskim Zjeździe Socjologicznym = Presence of sociology/sociologists of education and youth at 15th Polish Congress of Sociology}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ponowoczesność, edukacja, młodzież, postmodernity, education, youth}, }