@misc{Ruszczyńska_Marta_O, author={Ruszczyńska, Marta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article is an attempt to interpret the ballad Świtezianka by Adam Mickiewicz in the context of ondine as a mythical charackter. In her search, the author refers to earlier texts, mainly German Romanticism. At the same time, it confirms and complements the relationship of this character with the tradition of myth and fairy tales.}, abstract={The above contexts and connections are also shown in the aspect of historical poetics, and the existing transformations are also considered as a reflection of the poet`s own concepts of folklore. In the summary of the article, the author presents the relationship between Mickiewicz`s character and the film productions close to this ballad. This proves the topicality and at the same time the durability of the messages of Mickiewicz`s text, also in the context of its heroine as a hybrid character opening herself to the present.}, title={O postaci Świtezianki-Ondyny w balladzie Mickiewicza = On the figure of Świtezianka-Ondine in Mickiewicz`s ballad}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Ondyna, woda, romantyzm, mit, fantastyka baśniowa, Ondine, water, romanticism, myth, fairy-tale fantasy}, }