@misc{Kroczak_Justyna_Sokratejska, author={Kroczak, Justyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In this paper I present a comparative analysis of the knowledge discovery process applied by Socrates and the contemporary coach. The term "care of the self" (epimeleia heautou) appears in the Socratic dialogues, Alkibiades I and Apology of Socrates, and this term is compared with the coaching idea of "being resourceful".}, abstract={Both categories are, in fact, states of knowledge about the self, and it is the role of Socrates, and the coach, to help bring of this knowledge. The process of uncovering knowledge involves certain key elements that are shared by both the Socratic method and modern coaching. The analysis of each of these elements leads us to the conclusion that the key value of coaching, "the resourceful state of the coach and the coachee", has its roots in ancient philosophy.}, title={Sokratejska praktyka "troski o siebie" (epimeleia heautou) a proces coachingowy = The Socratic practice of "care of the self" (epimeleia heautou) and the coaching process}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={Sokrates (filozof grecki; 469 p.n.e.-399 p.n.e.), coaching, bycie w zasobach, epimeleia heautou, relacja coachingowa, resourceful state, coaching relationship}, }