@misc{Majewska_Lucyna_Dialog, author={Majewska, Lucyna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The modern world, shrouded in uncertainty, social unrest and moral crisis, has created new spaces for psychologists, coaches, personal trainers, and philosophical counselors to develop methods of psychological and moral assistance adapted to the present times. In this article, I argue that philosophy is functional and useful, not confined to scholarly deliberations.}, abstract={Philosophical reflection is accessible at various levels of knowledge, indicating the blurring of boundaries and allowing philosophy and ethics to be present in the arena of counseling. I point out that philosophy has turned dialogue into a tool for the pursuit of wisdom. Dialogue creates a safe space for telling one`s own story and understanding the thoughts of others, fostering both speaking and listening. Dialogue is a shared journey that teaches one to decide whether they want to learn and understand others in a given situation or not. It is a collective commitment to seeking the truth.}, abstract={The Socratic dialogue, which is one of the dialogical methods in coaching, serves as the source of dialogue in counseling work. The aim of the Socratic dialogue is to ask questions about problems that the interlocutor or client has not previously considered. The immediate goal of the dialogue is knowledge, while the long-term goal is to encourage the abandonment of uncritical thinking and the acceptance of prevailing, popular answers. It encourages independent pursuit of truth by awakening from cognitive lethargy, raising doubts, and promoting reflection.}, title={Dialog sokratejski jako metoda poradnicza w pracy coacha = Socratic dialogue as a counseling method in the work of a coach}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={praca coacha, dialog, dialog sokratejski, prawda, filozofia praktyczna, etyka praktyczna, coaching, coaches, dialogue, Socratic dialogue, truth, practical philosophy, practical ethics, counseling}, }