@misc{Walczak_Paweł_"Wybór, author={Walczak, Paweł}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={This article introduces the Y-Model, a novel method employed within the context of philosophical counseling or coaching sessions to address dilemmas faced by individuals. Drawing inspiration from the ancient tale of Heracles at the crossroads, wherein a young hero confronts the pivotal task of selecting his life`s path, this model deconstructs the narrative to identify key decision-making phases.}, abstract={By reconstructing these pivotal moments, the Y-Model, symbolized by the Greek letter "ypsilon", signifying the crossroads, offers an effective support tool for guiding clients through thoughtful reflection on their predicaments. This approach fosters deeper insight and heightened understanding of the dilemmas at hand.}, title={"Wybór Heraklesa" jako opowieść fundująca model pracy nad dylematem w doradztwie filozoficznym i coachingu = "The Herakles`es Choise" as a story founding a model of work on a dilemma in philosophical counseling and coaching}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={doradztwo filozoficzne, coaching, praca nad dylematem, proces decyzyjny, narzędzia coachingowe, philosophical counseling, working on a dilemma, decision-making process, coaching tools}, }