@misc{Grabizna_Adrianna_Niepełnosprawność, author={Grabizna, Adrianna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={We count the existence of philosophy in thousands of years, but the philosophy of disability only in few decades. Many of its voices are constructivist, discussing the ontological status of disability, opposing the naturalization and biologization of disability.}, abstract={I will present some of these voices and will show that they echo anti-psychiatry and the fight for human rights. I will present the quarell over the definition of disability as an example of an ontological quarrel of the universals. I will compare it to the species problem in biological classifications and to the quarell over the definitione of mental disorder in psychiatric classifications (mostly DSM). I will show the similarity between the way the sexuality of children and women was treated and the way in which the sexuality of people with disabilities is perceived.}, title={Niepełnosprawność w oku patrzącego. Konstruktywistyczna filozofia niepełnosprawności i antypsychiatria = Disability in the eye of the beholder. Constructivist philosophy of disability and antipsychiatry}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={filozofia niepełnosprawności, antypsychiatria, konstruktywizm, spór o uniwersalia, DSM, philosophy of disability, antypsychiatry, constructivism, quarrel of the universals}, }