@misc{Nikel_Łukasz_Dobrostan, author={Nikel, Łukasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the article is to present various definitions, popular theories, and methods of measuring student well-being at school. The article also indicates important factors that contribute to the students` school well-being and its correlates. The article consists of four parts: a discussion of what well-being is, a definition of a student`s school well-being and its significant factors, an indication of significant correlates of a student?s school well-being, and a description of known methods of measuring it. Summing up the review of theories and research presented in this article, the student`s school well-being can be broadly defined as the student`s overall satisfaction and sense of satisfaction with school. At a more detailed level, important components of school well-being for students can be enumerated, such as social relationships, including relationships with teachers and peers, school successes, school and classroom conditions, and individual factors.}, abstract={School well-being measurement tools are usually self-descriptive and either capture it holistically as a student`s overall level of contentment and satisfaction with school or multidimensionally - the general level of school well-being consists of its significant factors. Despite the lack of agreement among researchers regarding the definitione of a student`s school well-being and the certain heterogeneity of measurement tools, it is worth examining school well-being because it can be an important indicator of a student`s functioning in an educational institution. Today, schools should not only support students in developing their abilitiesand achieving the best results but also enable them to achieve well-being.}, title={Dobrostan szkolny ucznia: definicja, istotne czynniki i metody pomiaru = Understanding Student Well-Being at School: Definition, Factors, and Measurement Methods}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={szkoła, uczeń, dobre samopoczucie, satysfakcja ze szkoły, dobre samopoczucie w szkole, school, students, well-being, school satisfaction, school well-being}, }