@misc{Sabol_Harieta_Mareci_"To, author={Sabol, Harieta Mareci}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych}, language={eng}, abstract={At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the trade in therapeutic goods and their internal distribution experienced rapid growth in Bukovina, the easternmost province of the Austrian Empire. This process saw the establishment of new pharmacies and depots that sold products intended to restore health and enhance beauty.}, abstract={In the context of relatively high medicine prices and stringent government regulations governing their distribution, the advent of so-called "miracle remedies", which promised complete recovery or even cosmetic improvements, was met with considerable enthusiasm. Advertisements for over-the-counter medicines or cosmetic products have become a prominent feature in the final pages of periodicals, magazines, calendars, and newspapers. Initially, they featured rudimentary graphics, later transitioning to more refined designs, and, most importantly, captivating texts that provided information about the effects of a specific medicine or cosmetic product, its purpose, purchasing locations, and, notably, the price.}, abstract={This article aims to present some of the most Widery circulated and recurring advertisements in Bukowina`s central press from 1880-1910. This period reflects the growing aspiration, particularly in urban areas, to align with "Western civilization", which included greater access to health and beauty remedies. The evolution of this trade indicates the public`s growing confidence in (scientific and rational) alternatives to traditional medical prescriptions and the desire of an increasingly diverse public to purchase products that were no longer exclusively targeted at the social elite.}, type={artykuł}, title={"To be healthier and more beautiful": medicines and cosmetics in press advertisements of the imperial province of Bukovina (1880-1910) = "Być zdrowszym i piękniejszym". Leki i kosmetyki w reklamach prasowych imperialnej prowincji Bukowiny (1880-1910)}, keywords={leki, kosmetyki, rynek, apteka, reklama, medicines, cosmetics, market, pharmacies, advertisement}, }