Joachimiak, Damian ; Joachimiak, Magda ; Krzyślak, Piotr
The analysis of the calculation process related to labyrinth sealing with extraction
Tytuł publikacji grupowej:
Temat i słowa kluczowe:
labyrinth seals ; turbomachines ; fluid-flow machines ; method of calculation labyrinth seals
The work presents a calculation process enabling one-dimensional numerical calculations of labyrinth sealing. A DSV program determines the thermodynamic parameters of gas in the sealing chambers with extraction. The influence of the sealing length upon the stability of a matrix solution of the system of equations with the use of Cond(C) parameter is analysed. Next, the operation of the software extended with a module that enables determination of the initial pressure p0, to which the assumed mass flow for a set geometry and sealing length would correspond is discussed. ; The work analyzes Cond(C) and initial pressure values for various sealing lengths with an assumed leak value. The work also compares the values of static pressures on the extraction plane, as obtained from the measurements, to theoretically calculated values. The calculations and comparisons were made for various heights of incomplete sealing fissures.
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
Data wydania:
Typ zasobu:
IJAME, volume 18, number 4 (2013)