Hao, Shoulin ; Liu, Tao ; Rogers, Eric ; Wang, Youqing ; Paszke, Wojciech (1975- )
Temat i słowa kluczowe:
batch processes with unknown dynamics ; data-driven control ; PI controller tuning ; set-point learning control ; robust convergence analysis ; iterative extended state observer
For industrial batch processes with unknown dynamics subject to nonrepetitive initial conditions and disturbances, this paper proposes a novel adaptive data-driven set-point learning control (ADDSPLC) scheme based on only the measured process input and output data, which has two loops, one each for the dynamics within a batch and the other for the batchto-batch dynamics. ; In the former case, a model-free tuning strategy is firstly presented for determining the closed-loop PI controller parameters. For the latter case, a set-point learning control law with adaptive set-point learning gain and gradient estimation is developed for batch run optimization. Robust convergence of the output tracking error is rigorously analyzed together with the boundedness of adaptive learning gain and real-time updated set-point command. ; Moreover, another iterative extended state observer based ADDSPLC scheme is developed with rigorous convergence and boundedness analysis, to enhance the robust tracking performance against nonrepetitive uncertainties. Finally, two illustrative examples from the literature are used to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the new schemes over the recently developed data-driven learning control designs.
artykuł zamieszczony w: "IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control"