  • Kolekcje
  • Publikacje grupowe
  • Typ pliku
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  • Współtwórca
  • Tytuł
  • Temat i słowa kluczowe
  • Data wydania
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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "A novel method is presented for mining fuzzy association rules that have a temporal pattern. Our proposed method contributes towards discovering temporal patterns that could otherwise be lost from defining the membership functions before the mining process. The novelty of this research lies in exploring the composition of fuzzy and temporal association rules, and using a multi\-objective evolutionary algorithm combined with iterative rule learning to mine many rules."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
AMCS, Volume 23 (2013)

Matthews, Stephen G. Gongora, Mario A. Hopgood, Adrian A. Korbicz, Józef - red. Uciński, Dariusz - red.


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