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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "Occurrence of land rents in modern agriculture of the EU is confirmed by the long\-lasting upward trend in agricultural land prices. However, a question arises whether these rents are differential ones, linked with a different productivity of agricultural land, absolute ones in the classical sense, or political rents in the meaning of the public choice theory\? The objectives of the article are mainly theoretical."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
Management, Vol. 18 (2014)

Czyżewski, Bazyli Brelik, Agnieszka Skalik, Jan - red. Adamczyk, Janusz- red. Zmyślony, Roman - red. statyst. Moczulska, Marta - red. Preston, Peter- red. jęz. Stankiewicz, Janina - red. nacz.


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