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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "The obtained results testify the strong dependency of the equilibrium freezing point Tf on the water content w. It has been proved that Tf can be expressed as a power function of water content wand the limit of plasticity with a high correlation coefficient \(R=0.933\) showing a good fit to the experimental data. In contrary, a scatter of results was observed for Tsn and \[...\], which could be related to the effect of factors other than the water content. The diagrams of the supercooling vs. the water content suggest a relationship with an extreme. The critical water content, Wcr at which the supercooling reaches a maximum, was found by use of a quadratic empirical model. For all the clay\-water systems, the criitical water content Wcr occurs between the plastic limit Wp and the liquid limit W_L.'"]

Wyników: 1

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