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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "The results indicated that the two materials were joined by a mechanical interlock at an interface line, without formation of intermetallic compounds. The shear force of the joint reached an ultimate value of 4.82kN. The shear force of the joint improved by increasing plunging depth of the tool. Samples of minimum shear force value failed by a pull\-outing aluminum metal from the carbon steel specimen. Samples of higher shear force value exhibited a shear mode of fracture. Increasing the rotating speed and decreasing pre\-heating increased the process temperature."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
IJAME, volume 27 (2022)

Ridha, Munaf Hashim Saad, Mursal Luaibi Abdullah, Isam Tareq Barrak, Osamah Sabah Hussein, Sabah Khammass Hussein, Abbas Khammas Jurczak, Paweł - red.


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