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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "Volume change in expansive soils due to the intervention of water causes swell. A laboratory investigation using two different geosynthetic materials was designed to minimise the swell characteristics. The influence of three parameters, being geosynthetic material \[Secutex \(ST\) and Combigrid \(CG\)\], orientation \(horizontal and vertical\), and number of layers \(1, 2, and 3\) on the swell of an expansive soil was studied to better understand the potential for geosynthetics in swell control."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
CEER, nr 29, vol. 4 (2019)

James, Jijo Vijayasimhan, Sivapriva Srinivasan, Hemavathi Arulselvan, Javasri Purushothaman, Sathya Paramasivam, Murali Kuczyński, Tadeusz - red.


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