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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "Landsberg, Richtstrasse 8. The bookshop under the sign \?Buch\-Kunst\-u. Musikalienhandlung\?. Almost for fifty years, from the end of the 19th century until the year 1945 the above address was well known to all the lovers of the classical German poetry. This was due to the book seller and collector Wilhelm Ogoleit \(1869\-1953\) who was able to gather the biggest in Brandenburg collection of memorabilia of Goethe and Schiller thus creating a private museum of the remembrance of the great \?prince poets\? of Weimar. The walls of the eight rooms of the Gorzów town house were decorated with painting, drawings and prints with the portraits of both poets and people working in culture who belonged to their circle."]

Wyników: 1

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