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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "Steel is used for the worm, shaft, and bearing, whereas bronze is used for the worm wheel. Ansys 18.0 is implemented to carry out worm gear pair model analysis. The results demonstrate that the worm wheel had the most deformation when compared to the worm, and that the natural frequency is greater than the operational frequency of the worm gear pair. The findings of the research study, worm wheel deteriorate early than worm, model analysis plays a significant role in vibration monitoring of worm gear pair, and this work is valuable for further fault analysis of ribbon blender worm gearbox utilizing vibration response."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
IJAME, volume 29 (2024)

Barshikar, Raghavendra Baviskar, Prasad Patil, Milind M. Dube, Anil S. Dhore, Vishal J. Jurczak, Paweł - red.


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