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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = odlewnia metali] OR [Subject and Keywords = gleby] OR [Subject and Keywords = pH] OR [Subject and Keywords = właściwości chemiczne gleb] OR [Subject and Keywords = materia organiczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = zasolenie] OR [Subject and Keywords = metale ciężkie] OR [Subject and Keywords = metal foundry] OR [Subject and Keywords = chemical properties] OR [Subject and Keywords = soils] OR [Subject and Keywords = organic matter] OR [Title = Podstawowe właściwości chemiczne oraz zawartość Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni i Cd w glebach terenu nieczynnej odlewni żeliwa i metali kolorowych w Nowogardzie \(woj. Zachodniopomorskie\) = Basic chemical properties and contents of Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni i Cd in soils on area of former iron foundry and non\-ferrous metals in nowogard \(west pomeranian province\)] OR [Creator = Chudecka, Justyna] OR [Creator = Tomaszewicz, Tomasz]

Number of results: 113

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