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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = popioły z węgla kamiennego] OR [Subject and Keywords = rekultywacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = gleby antropogeniczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = właściwości chemiczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = ashes from hard coal] OR [Subject and Keywords = reclamation] OR [Subject and Keywords = anthropogenic soils] OR [Subject and Keywords = chemical properties] OR [Title = Ocena chemizmu gleb powstałych na bazie popiołów z węgla kamiennego po dziesięciu latach ich funkcjonowania w środowisku = The assesment of chemical properties of soils made on base of ashes from hard coal after ten years of their functioning in environment] OR [Creator = Tomaszewicz, Tomasz] OR [Creator = Chudecka, Justyna]

Number of results: 199

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