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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = teatr tańca] OR [Subject and Keywords = edukacja pozaformalna] OR [Subject and Keywords = edukacja nieformalna] OR [Subject and Keywords = autoetnografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = andragogika] OR [Subject and Keywords = dance theatre] OR [Subject and Keywords = non\-formal education] OR [Subject and Keywords = informal education] OR [Subject and Keywords = autoethnography] OR [Subject and Keywords = andragogy] OR [Title = Pracownia Teatru Tańca w Zielonej Górze \- alternatywny obszar edukacji i animacji osób dorosłych = Dance Theatre Atelier in Zielona Góra \- alternative area of adult education and animation] OR [Creator = Zadłużny, Marek]

Number of results: 2

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