Search for: [Subject and Keywords = ramy okienne] OR [Subject and Keywords = ślusarka okienna] OR [Subject and Keywords = obiekty historyczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = obiekty poprzemysłowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = problemy konserwatorskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = dziedzictwo postindustrialne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Łódź] OR [Subject and Keywords = window frames] OR [Subject and Keywords = post\-industrial objects] OR [Subject and Keywords = postindustrial heritage] OR [Subject and Keywords = window maintenance] OR [Title = Problems of restoration of window frames in the 19th century industrial facilities on the example of Łódź = Problematyka konserwatorska ślusarki okiennej w XIX wiecznych obiektach przemysłowych na przykładzie Łodzi] OR [Creator = Walczak, Bartosz] OR [Creator = Kurzac, Anna]