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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = utlenianie] OR [Subject and Keywords = H2O2] OR [Subject and Keywords = GC\-MS] OR [Subject and Keywords = ścieki koksownicze] OR [Subject and Keywords = katalizator platynowy] OR [Subject and Keywords = katalizator tytanowy] OR [Subject and Keywords = WWA] OR [Subject and Keywords = oxidation] OR [Subject and Keywords = coking wastewater] OR [Subject and Keywords = platinum catalyst] OR [Subject and Keywords = cobalt catalyst] OR [Subject and Keywords = titanium catalyst] OR [Subject and Keywords = PAHs] OR [Title = Catalytic oxidation of PAHs in wastewater = Katalityczne utlenianie WWA w ściekach] OR [Creator = Turek, Agnieszka] OR [Creator = Włodarczyk\-Makuła, Maria]

Number of results: 34

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