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  • Temat i słowa kluczowe
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Szukana fraza: [Temat i słowa kluczowe = Non\-linear stability analysis] lub [Temat i słowa kluczowe = complex Ginzburg\-Landau equation] lub [Temat i słowa kluczowe = gravity modulation] lub [Temat i słowa kluczowe = internal heating] lub [Temat i słowa kluczowe = bifurcations] lub [Tytuł = Stability analysis and internal heating effect on oscillatory convection in a viscoelastic fluid saturated porous medium under gravity modulation from the history of conferences on the machine and mechanism science] lub [Autor = Bhadauria, Beer Singh] lub [Autor = Singh, Manoj Kumar] lub [Autor = Singh, Ajay] lub [Autor = Singh, Brajesh Kumar] lub [Autor = Kiran, Palle]

Wyników: 50

obiektów na stronie
IJAME, volume 23 (2018)

Sharma, Avadesh Kumar Chauhan, Premanand Singh Sharma, P. Bhadoria, Shailendra Singh Jurczak, Paweł - red.

AMCS, Volume 26 (2016)

Singh, Prem Kumar Aswani Kumar, Cherukuri Gani, Abdullah Korbicz, Józef (1951- ) - red. Uciński, Dariusz - red.


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