Search for: [Subject and Keywords = strukturalizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = poststrukturalizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = kognitywizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = komunikacjonizm] OR [Subject and Keywords = etnolingwistyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = tekstologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = pragmatyka komunikacji] OR [Subject and Keywords = structuralism] OR [Subject and Keywords = poststructuralism] OR [Subject and Keywords = cognitivism] OR [Subject and Keywords = communicationism] OR [Subject and Keywords = ethnolinguistics] OR [Subject and Keywords = textology] OR [Subject and Keywords = the pragmatics of communication] OR [Title = Jeszcze o wieloparadygmatyczności i dylematach lingwistyki na progu trzeciego tysiąclecia = A Few More Reflections on Multiparadigmatism and the Dilemmas of Linguistics at the Onset of the Third Millennium] OR [Creator = Jędrzejko, Ewa]