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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = idiostyl] OR [Subject and Keywords = hiperbolizacja] OR [Subject and Keywords = powtórzenia] OR [Subject and Keywords = subiektywność] OR [Subject and Keywords = Fallaci, Oriana \(1929\-2006\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = idiostyle] OR [Subject and Keywords = hyperbolisation] OR [Subject and Keywords = repetition] OR [Subject and Keywords = subjectivity] OR [Title = Między etyką, estetyką i skutecznością komunikacyjną\: idiostyl wczesnych książek Oriany Fallaci = Between ethics, aesthetics and effectiveness of communication\: idiostyle of the early writings by Oriana Fallaci] OR [Creator = Tichoniuk\-Wawrowicz, Ewa]

Number of results: 14

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