Search for: [Subject and Keywords = wartość] OR [Subject and Keywords = wartościowanie] OR [Subject and Keywords = świadomość aksjologiczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = wspólnota komunikatywna warunkowana prawnie] OR [Subject and Keywords = dyskurs prawny] OR [Subject and Keywords = 16 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = values] OR [Subject and Keywords = valuation] OR [Subject and Keywords = axiological awareness] OR [Subject and Keywords = legally conditioned communicative community] OR [Subject and Keywords = legal discourse] OR [Subject and Keywords = 16th century] OR [Title = Językowy wyraz świadomości aksjologicznej wspólnoty komunikatywnej warunkowanej prawnie \(na podstawie materiałów wstępnych do zbiorów prawa z XVI w.\) = The linguistic expression of the axiological awareness of the Polish legally conditioned \(on the basis of preliminary materials for the 16th century legal collections\) communicative community] OR [Creator = Jurewicz\-Nowak, Magdalena]