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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "As a result of long\-term investigations carried out in the Warta River valley, on the basis of greater stability \(S\) and proportion \(D\) of the species, the following four variants were distinguished in the Phalaridetum arundinaceae association\: with Glyceria maxima, with Carex gracilis with Alopecurus pratensis, with Achillea ptarmica as well as 1 terminal \(final\) phase with Urtica dioica. The variants exhibit different floristic composition but they are all synergistically associated with the reed grass association. The strongest influence on the formation and development of variants is exerted by the anthropogenic factor, mainly the performed land improvement works, regular 3\-5 times cutting, harvesting, and mineral and organic fertilisation as well as cultivation. However, the complete abandonment or improper utilisation of the sward results in the development of variants of lower or undesirable value, e.g. the terminal phase with Urtica dioica which developed following serious mistakes and neglect in utilisation."]

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