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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "In many engineering problems, we face multi\-objective optimization, with several objective functions f1, . . . , fn. We want to provide the user with the Pareto set \- a set of all possible solutions x which cannot be improved in all categories. The user should be able to select an appropriate trade\-off between, say, cost and durability. We extend the general results about \(verified\) algorithmic computability of maxima locations to show that Pareto sets can also be computed."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
AMCS, volume 19 (2009)

Tóth, Boglárka G. Kreinovich, Vladik Rauh, Andreas - ed. Auer, Ekaterina - ed. Hofer,Eberhard P. - ed. Luther, Wolfram - ed.


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