  • Kolekcje
  • Publikacje grupowe
  • Typ pliku
  • Autor
  • Współtwórca
  • Tytuł
  • Temat i słowa kluczowe
  • Data wydania
  • Typ zasobu
  • Jezyk
  • Prawa do dysponowania publikacją

Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "Numerous studies, including The Social Diagnosis, have shown that there is a positive relationship between using the Internet, interests in public affairs and participation in the elections. The research conducted in Zielona Gora allows to confirm the thesis about the low level of political activity in young people under 24 years of age. A relatively low level of declared voter turnout \- both in the context of the elections which took place several years ago as well as in the future elections \- is of a particular importance in this respect."]

Wyników: 1

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