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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "The framework of the conducted research featured the identification of the relationships occurring between own production of components comprising a given product, and an alternative solution, i.e. possibility of acquiring them by way of co\-operation. The authors assumed that a derivative of the value intercepted in the finished product implementation process is the number of components manufactured using own production resources."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
Management, vol. 21 (2017)

Nogalski, Bogdan Niewiadomski, Przemysław Moczulska, Marta - red. Preston, Peter- red. jęz. Stankiewicz, Janina - red. nacz. Zmyślony, Roman - red. statyst. Adamczyk, Janusz- red. Skalik, Jan - red.


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