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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "This disorder is defined as focusing the attention on one`s own body and searching imaginative defects which disturb functioning in social life. It affects both women and men and usually begins in an adolescence period\; sometimes it turns into a chronic state. Johnston and Joni \(1994, p.33\) emphasize that BDD may also begin in adulthood. As a result of the disorder a sufferer undertakes risk behaviours, namely they take anabolic agents \(generally called steroids\). The article includes the information on the causes and effects of using steroids."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
Rocznik Lubuski, 40

Maciejewska, Tatiana Trzciński, Paweł Farnicka, Marzanna - red. Izdebski, Zbigniew (1956- ) - red. Wąż, Krzysztof - red.


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