  • Kolekcje
  • Publikacje grupowe
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  • Temat i słowa kluczowe
  • Data wydania
  • Typ zasobu
  • Jezyk
  • Prawa do dysponowania publikacją

Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "The abovementioned issues belong to three types of memory that are employed at the moment of reading\: the prop room of the narration world\; relation between the literary image and its correspon\?dence, or lack of correspondence, with reader's knowledge\; and the functionalisation\/instrumentali\?sation of memory. These three have been isolated in order to define, in a more transparent manner, various aspects of the core subject \- that is, the presence of the past in texts of popular culture on the basis of vintage crime fiction."]

Wyników: 1

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