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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "The total number together with the Queen Anna\?s and the king\?s daughter Anna Vasa\?s woman\?s room \? without the armed guards \? certainly amounted to over 100 people. Among them there were high officials like vice\-chancellor Jan Tarnowski as well as the King\?s secretary, the Queen\?s chancellor Stanisław Fogelweder together with the court service. Special attention attracts a great number of 23 musicians which make 30% of all the people named in the accounts. Diminished as compared to the court in Wawel, the court on the journey, fulfilled well, as one may assume, its functions as the centre of power, the tool to satisfy the basic needs of the King and his family at the appropriate level, and as a tool to entertain the royal family."]

Wyników: 1

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